27 January 2014

80% Nutrition 20% Exercise

This is a story about my junior coach, Aiman. 

I met him at the faculty, about 5 months ago, he was giving me flyers; an invitation to his student's association event. I stopped by and listen to his invitation as I saw while he is talking he gazed at my button! And guess what, with a little hesitation he slowly ask me, "Lose 10 KG, how?"

Papp! That's it!
So are you serious? 
How many KG's you want to lose?
What have you tried before and why does it didn't work?

He answered me so proudly telling that he already loss 20KG in a year! He love to exercise, he is a gym-person and that's how he lose weight! My my, that was just so great!! I then, having my chance to speak, I told him about my testimonial. How I lose 10 KG in 3 months, how I improve my gastric and constipation problems. Also my sinus problems. And not to forget my other friends testimonials including Esity's.
Not reading his testimonials yet? Read it here.

Aiman was so surprised and start to show interest when I told him about Esity's testimonials. Even he doesn't speak it up, his face showing that-was-so-incredible-how-does-he-do-it sign.

It's 80:20 rules!

When, I explained he goes like aahh, now I knew why my weight is stagnant and why I'm suffering from unstable weight. That's it, I found his WHY Herbalife. And we then meet again for a body scan appointment. And that was the real beginning of his 'MyJourney2Fit'.

It wasn't really surprising, but of course Aiman was so surprised knowing that he wasn't even FIT INSIDE. He has high body fat level and guess what his visceral fat was 9 which is way to far from the normal range of 1-2 at his age of 22!

His journey continue when he decided to join Weight Loss Challenge, and his achievement is just so amazing! You know, he loss about 5 KG in a month, loss 5% of body fat, and his visceral fat reduce tremendously from 9 to 6! Of course he feel so energetic and increase his sport performance. And with all that he had achieved, guess what, he won the first prize and get 

<clap> <clap> <clap>
He now continue the company mission and seriously want to help people to achieve the same quality of health. Aiman, 23 years old this year, student of Tourism, deciding to make Herbalife as his part-time carrier. This humble yet so determine man, is now making RM300 in his first month being a junior coach. He even make a commitment to attend the biggest life changing event in Herbalife Asia Pacific- Extravaganza!

You can learn a lot from this amazing young man from https://www.facebook.com/aiman.matasin.
You also can find bunch of helpful health tips from his facebook. Feel free to ask him for any inquiries.
He is so reliable and now he is coaching his brother and amazingly his bother loss 3 kg in a week!
Go go, contact Aiman for weight coaching services!

1 comment:

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    Best Regards from Daniel Uyi.
