31 December 2013

Hey 2013, you left memories.

The time is 8pm.
Few more hours to left this chapter of life.
I think of re-capturing 2013 from the early beginning to the very end. But this type of brain however, don't have enough RAM to process them all. "Tu la, kurang baca al-quran, kan dah lupa."

Yelah. Yelah.
For sure lot of things happen throughout the year, but the things that happened this past few days are just hitting me inside. I never felt my heart is so heavy to walk forward and meet 2014. New year usually was nothing much to me but this time, the feeling is so different. Sometimes determination takes turn to stream in my veins, but sometime despair suck all the blood out and leaving me nothing but fear. And what make my leg suddenly feel so numb to take another step is because I have no idea what am I afraid of?

Thinking of you are a grown up girl is pretty scary huh?
Maybe because of the insistence of living nowadays make me think there is no time for me to enjoy my teenage life. It's over. If you still wish to enjoy, think of the price that we have to pay for our future living. Groceries expenses, house rate, car price. And.. getting married, foster a family. When RM3000 of earning per month make you penniless, you still think you want to enjoy being a kiddos when the figure 2 is in front of your age? To earn a living, I better work from now on. It break my heart seeing my dad working so hard because there are still lot of mouth to fed on. And in the aged of 20++ you think I should keep playing like I'm 2? I'm taking a small step, to create my own salary with Herbalife, hoping that I could help my dad even I know a prosperous man like him won't need my helping hand. I believe seeing me become an independent women would draw a proud smile on his face, right?

I bumped into a video that make me realize to be successful what you need is hard work. Every sport stars was once an amateur. They gone through thick and thin of life. They risen when they fall. They don't have a strong heart, but they create the strength. But what am I today, I am satisfied, I am comfortable living in my comfort zone. And suddenly after looking at the video I realize, living without a need to pursue my goals is committing a spiritual suicide! What a shameful Muslim I am. 

"There will never be the point in your time, in your life, where it's the right time, to do a great day. If you wait for the perfect perfect moment, it's not going to happen."  

You were given 24 hours a day and ask yourself what do you do with the time? See! The biggest enemy is yourself. You have to deal with it. And the enemies outside can do us no harm.

A non-muslim once said to me:
"Kerja ubah org lain tu kerja Tuhan, kerja ubah diri sendiri tu kerja kita."

2014. Lets be my perfect, perfect time. 

Emergency! Not-in-knowledge-question.

I sat on my first examination paper for this degree life yesterday.
Like everyone know how was I preparing for examination, I admit year after year my last minute study skill doesn't change. I called it skill. Haha. Like Bill Gates says, last minutes study teach you on how to manage time and tackle emergencies.

So trueeee.

But. There no other way to tackle 'emergency!-not-in-knowledge' question when you are already inside the examination hall rather them staring at the question coldly. Everything was like, ah-ha I know this, the answer was in chapter bla bla, page bla bla, but I skipped reading it. Or, yes the answer was the diagram in the note bla bla bla, I saw this earlier but the printed note was too small, I just read the tittle. 

Live with no regret.
Who say, I said. Bahaha.
What else can wash away all your stress rather than having a cup of Mamee Chef Maggie while watching Running Man. (No offense, I watch this after Asr prayer ok. Hahaha)

Stress make you drive yourself over your limitation.
Even, wellness coach cheat babe. Face it.

Let's start studying the next paper!
What do I called this? It's rise after fall. Haha
I'll better take 5 capsules of Omega-3 after this.
*Sigh, throw the empty maggie cup onto the dustbin.

18 December 2013

Start taking action.

I went to STS Shah Alam last weekend with my 2 guests.
There was one sharing from the guest speaker Mill Team Sharifah that attract me.
Here is her story.
There is one women named Mary a singled-mother who is so poor. She lives near a church, which she often been found there praying for her wealth. Near to the church is a lottery shop. 

Every nights and days, Mary never failed to pray to her God.
"Ohh Lord, please give me some wealth. I need to fed my children. My life is so poor."
And day after day, she pray for some money to earn a living.

One day, Mary went to the town and met Lisa her closed friend.
Mary was stunned to see Lisa wearing a beautiful blouse that she really admired, but have no money to buy it. Mary meet Lisa with eagerness.
"Your cloths is so nice, where did you buy it?," asked Mary.
"I bought it at the mall. I want to wear this cloth while travelling to the State. It's school holiday by the way. Don't you like to join us Mary?" Lisa replied.
"You are going to the State? You sure have lot of money!"
"Yes, I just win the lottery!" said Lisa.

Mary went back to the church and pray to her God.
"Oh Lord, please give me some wealth like Lisa. I need to fed my children. My life is so poor."
And the next day she continue praying.

On the other week, Mary once again went to the town.
She was surprised to see John's restaurant is getting bigger.
"John, you sure have a lot of money to construct your shop," says Mary.
"Of course! I am so lucky. I just win a lottery! Maybe next time you'll be lucky too Mary," John replied.

Mary went back and day-dream that perhaps her turn to experience being wealth is so near as her closed friend's life nourish with wealthiness. 
Not forgetting to pray, Mary went to the church and pray to her God.
"Oh Lord, please give me some wealth like Lisa and John. I can feel my time where you will granted my wish is so near."

And the next day, on her way to church, Mary is shocked to see her neighbor park a car in front of the house. Mary without hesitation, went to her neighbor house.
"Peter, is that your car? You sure have a lot of money to buy it," asked Mary.
"Yes, I do. I just win a lottery!" said Peter
"What? You too win the lottery??" 

With fast paced, Mary went to the church and throw her anger to her God.
"I was praying to you all day long, but I get nothing! Why does you give wealthiness to those people they don't even went to church as often as me. I was here all the time, cleaning your church and pray from the dawn till the sunset. You are not being fair! I don't even been given chance to be rich and win the lottery," Mary burst out with madness.

Suddenly she heard strange voice out of nowhere whispered.


Whether in Mary case or in we Muslim context of life, Allah ask us to be hardworking, to seek for wealth through righteous means. Du'a with hard work has to be together for us to achieve our glory. 
Stop making resolution, start making action.

HAVE YOU BUY YOUR of course not lottery ticket.
Commit on what you are dream of and attend this life changing event! Instead of  saying I want it, say I'll do it!

14 December 2013

OT and sewing machine.

I tell you, Occupational Therapy is an amusing professions!
We put the fun in functional.
With less people in our class, we do enjoy our every moment discovering lot of things and wasting as much materials that exists in the lab. I had shown you our orthotic moment, we are making various type of splint.
You may find the post here.

So now, let set a story about pressure garments. Oh don't misunderstand this garments with your tight boxer or your corsets. It may come from the same materials which is lycra, but Occupational Therapist doesn't help you to shape up your body, but Herbalife do. 
Ok, iklan sebentar. Haha!

To make it simple to understand, pressure garments is often used to flatten scar whether it is caused by surgery, wounds or burns. It was a garments that you need to wear 23 hours/day that helps your skin cell regeneration didn't overgrowth that will results in making keloid. It also used for edema as it gives your skin the exact pressure so that the swollen area can be reduced. 

Pressure garments wasn't just made for pants and vests, we even made sleeves, socks, gloves and also masks too!
Behind the scene of making the pressure garments.

The mask is cute right although it hasn't completely sewed? Hahaha.
If you are curious if all occupational therapist know how to use sewing machine, the answer is yes we do.
So makcik out there, so do the men who are trying to find perempuan melayu terakhir that knows the basic things of becoming housewife, you sure know where to find it after thoroughly reading my post.

What are the other criterion that you are searching for in choosing a wife other than sewing?
Know how to cook? Occupational therapists handling domestic activities.
Know how to deal with kids? We specializing in behavior modification for kids and for you too. Haha.
Know how to do house chores? Oh what with house chores, we even do thorough task analysis.
Soft touch, graceful? Ah, you must not know how gentle we are when molding splint!

So keep calm and meet us the occupational therapists.
Tell this specialties that we have to your mom, she will definitely like it.

President's walk.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
the day you know why.

A number that will only come once.
It was a really shocking news to be appointed as the President for the student association which never happened to come across my mind. I was thinking so hard on how am I going through this and to lift the heaviest things in the world which is amanah on my shoulder.

Question like how to be wise, how can I inspired, how to make everything worth for people, there is so many how that I can't answered. 
I even think of what can I do, what should I and what will I. 
 I've been thinking on how will people see me, will they accept, will I adapt. 
And the what question also unanswerable.

Imagine suddenly within 24hours you got lot of e-mails to reply, text messages keeps popping out from unknown numbers asking you to do this and that, and I was surprised to see like, what 30 friends request in one night?? People, my facebook account is ancient, not like I was new to it.
And with all of the things that happen, you will realize that this path will gonna be tougher. 

"Oh Allah, please help me."

To the PPPCK committee, thank you for putting your trust on me and my troops. President is an action, not a position. I will be your front line and you are the people inside it. Lend us your hand and your dua' so we will be strong enough to bring you and the association up to the next level.

"No one can whistle a symphony, it takes the whole orchestra to play it.
Same goes to our association.
I believe, coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is a progress.

To the new 2013/14 frontline of PPPCK, I called you troopers because I believe we are a group of soldiers that will be battling in uplifting this responsibility. I'm bidding on your commitment and your willingness to work. What ever come across our mind, whether we like our position or not, think that Allah has put us here. And believe that they must be a reason behind His arrangement. 

So, fade off your mourn, light on your sincere. 
Let's work together to fulfill our amanah.
May Allah ease everything.

I'm walking as PPPCK's President that someday I hope I will continue to walk on my feet as Herbalife's International President Team.

Graduation story.

After the pre-graduation photos with my buddy-buddy, here is the real graduation photo!
Check out my pre-grad moments here.

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.
And alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for the golden chance You have given.

I am officially an Occupational Therapists.

I have failed once, but I know I have to be strong and keep going.
We fall so we can learn how to pick ourselves up right?

Life is too short to be wasted. 
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way!
Maybe for you diploma was just a little cert and maybe worthless.
But the experience, the laugh and tears, the up and down, the friend and foe are all

"Thanks to those who entered my life, you made who I am today.
Thanks to those who cared, you make me feel so important.
Thanks to those who listened, you made me like I was worth it.
Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart go fonder.
Thanks to those who hated me, you made me stronger.
Thanks to those who left, you showed me that nothing last forever.
Thanks to those who stays, you showed me true friendship."

13 December 2013

Charlie's kisses.

I attended some memorable occasion last weekend but no photographed taken throughout the day.
Not because I don't have camera, but because I was looking bad with some comot-comot marks on my face.

This is a lovey dovey story between me and Charlie. 
Charlie kiss me on the lips, nose and on my eyes in my sleep. Auwww!
What a sweet way to say good night, Charlie!

Show them yourself, handsome.


"Hey ladies, I'm Charlie. Wanted a kiss?"

Charlie was so popular that he also managed to get publicity on the newspaper!

It wasn't a first time that we have a crushed. 

There was one time back then that I have been referred to three hospitals in a day because the love bite spread all over my neck, yet all the medicine given did't works.

The love bite area become melepuh and feel so perit like you just get on fire. I was trying to put some mucus from the aloe vera plant that I found in my aunty house on it so that it sooth the melepuh area.

And of course after the melepuh heal it left scars.

And the moment I knew I was kiss by Charlie last week, I immediately think of putting some aloe vera onto it. But where can I find such exotic greenery here in the campus?

I do planted an aloe vera inside my locker.

It's herbal aloe everyday soothing gel. 
Amazingly, the love bite was like tak sempat pun melepuh and left scar but the perit feel was still there. Alhamdulillah. Early treatment helps a lot!

After putting on the aloe vera, what happens is, the stingy area instead of blackened by scar, the skin become peel off. And that mengelupas thing really obvious and look so comot when you put your make up on it.


12 December 2013

Calories count.

Its been a very longggggg time since the last time my hand typing cholestopia.blogspot on my search engine.  October and November was very hectic with either study or bussiness.
Everything is out of hand!!
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. I love you Allah.
So, for this comeback let's talk about calories intake since I'm busy whatsapp-ing people and do mobile coaching on how to EAT CLEAN.
So what does calories means?

The best explaination ever. <sigh>
Do you know how much do you eat each day?

Lets check it out! Below list will be in Bahasa because it was all Malaysian food.
Malaysian food hub babeh!
I've arranged it into categories so you will be easy to track down your stomach hub.

Kategori : Kuih Muih
1. Kasui berkelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori

Kategori: Lauk Pauk
1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Rutin
1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Segera
1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori

Kategori: Buah-buahan
1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori
11. Kuram (4 biji) - 92 kalori

Kategori : Minuman
1. Minuman berkabonat 1 tin 285g - 120 kalori
2. Minuman kotak 250g - 105 kalori
3. Susu tepung penuh krim 1 sudu makan - 33 kalori
4. Susu tepungtanpa lemak 1 sudu makan - 25 kalori
5. Aiskrim 2 skop- 390 kalori
6. Susu pekat manis 1 sudu makan - 71 kalori
7. Yogurt rendah lemak 1 cawan - 90 kalori
8. Teh tarik 1 cawan - 98 kalori
9. Air soya 1 gelas - 60 kalori
10. Air tebu 1 gelas - 184 kalori
11. Cafe latte 1 cawan - 98 kalori
12. Cafe mocha 1 cawan - 177 kalori
13. Ice blended (coklat) - 240 kalori
14. Milo 1 cawan - 178 kalori 

I know you would keep saying "ouh what?" or "huh, that much?" or "oh my, I just ate that" parallel with your index finger scrolling. And much uuhhh or ahhhh sounds will be heard after that.

Don't be frightened ladies. Because what you should do is no other than SCREEAAAMMMM!!
The fat was already in our body.
Pat your shoulder, accept that.

So. Come on! Stop the drama, stop the worries.
Let just choose 180 calories Formula 1 for your breakfast.

Contact coach now!!
 019 2627 431/013 6826 261

We will learn about how calories can help us to lose weight on the next post. Stay positive :)