30 October 2013

Nutrition narration.

I was in the middle of doing a roadshow and suddenly I received this text messages.

I have no idea what Nutrition Narration is. But I do think there must be something he have to do with his assignments or research bla bla bla. Because I am in the middle of doing my work, I just replied to him that I will do when I get back home.

As soon as I arrived, I went straight away to the table -started up my laptop and like what he requested me to, I connect my laptop with the Wi-Fi. Okay people, I am using the YES 4G huddle. It is awesomely fast that you can watch Running Man online, on time without buffering! 

Getting back to the story, I then, started to google the words Nutrition Narration and I'd found none. I even add up the words blog, assuming maybe he is creating a blog because he is jealous that I've made mine. Still, nothing related to my search. And suddenly my phone beeping and I just ignored it as I was too determine to find the narration.
Finally I gave up.
I took my phone, deciding to call and ask when then I realize there was a Whatsapp symbol. 
My Goddd! It was just there in the Whatsapp!
What a waste of energy. Poor you my fingers.
And here is his narration.
" I started Herbalife a few months ago. My weight at that time was 93 kg. My aim at that time was simple. I just want to wear my old jeans, my old clothes and shirts. When I started taking Herbalife, my brother once said, what did you take? Its look like a bottle of poisons. That was a kick start for me. I'm going to lose weight no matter what. I'm going to take this poison seriously. I'm going to be healthy. I'm going to wear my old jeans. I'm going level 10!

With 80% of nutrition and 20% of exercises, I lose 12 kg in a month. Is it even possible?? 
YES it is!!
I have proved it can be done right in front of my brother's face. Then he started to ask about this 'poison' I take. So, it's my duty to share with him, my family and to YOU
So what are you waiting for? Lose weight now, ask me how!
Change your life forever.
This is my nutrition narration."

This guy before and after picture.
<clap> <clap> <clap>
Inspiring story.
Urmmm.. Could you please............
Go make your own blog. Why sibuk-sibuk on mine?

My love for Green.

Everyone know I love green.
Even if people just meet me, they can even realize green is my favorite color.
Phone casing, pen, notebook, water bottle, scissors, cutter, hole puncher, paper clip, laptop, cursor color.
-- everything is GREEN.
If you realize, my weighing scale color is green too!

All greeny stuff that I always prepared when balik kampung.

Oh-uh this is #throwback picture and I am using my mom's phone casing.
Green room, green bed sheets, green curtains.
Also green attire from head to toe.

I've found that, having a favorite color really assists me in lot of situation. A row of different brand of detergents in front of you and everything looks so-can-make-my-clothes-clean. Because I like green, I go for Attacks. A racks of abstracts and funky design of note book inside the bookstore -we sure took a long time to choose right? But at least I can shorten down my list of interest when I just decide to buy green color of note book.

And perhaps did I choose Herbalife out of other company is because it was green too?

#throwback. My first Zero2Hero picture somewhere in 2012. Ignore my chubby cheek. Haha.
Well, what I can say is, it's a great co-incidence.
I was working under a green flag, and I was so proud of it.
Go green!

#throwback This picture was taken during June'13 Extravaganza Bangkok.

25 October 2013

The witness.

Today I got my new matrix card, some would called it student card.

Ohoho. Just ignore my not-ready-to-smile picture.
I was quite satisfied with this new photo compared to the previous matrix card I have during my diploma time. I remembered that I flipped over my card showing only the background just to hide the ugly me. 
You wanted to see how it differ?

I wasn't realized that I have that cute and tubby cheek before until I compared this two picture. If the right face is that cute, how do you think the body will looks like? Of course even cuter! Bhahaha. Please, stop imagining it!
Better put this evidence as the new testimonial picture.

I even have visible cheek and jaw now.
Alhamdulillah.. Thanks to the best nutrition for this amazing changes.
Oh-uh you didn't read my weight loss story? Read it here.

Even the matrix card can witness the changes.
Does your matrix card picture differ too?

22 October 2013

Global reach, Local touch.

Dealing with disable was commonly associated with the job of an occupational therapist. We empowers live through occupation because we believe nobody can go back and start the new beginning but anyone can start today and make new ending. 

And in conjunction of the World Occupational Therapy Day, we Malaysian OT decided to celebrate our very special day with everyone!

This is the first time our Malaysian is celebrating OT Day in an official event. We decided to bring on Occupational Therapy for children as our main theme for this very first celebration. A lot of fun activity will be provided! Come and join us, it is open to public and it is open to YOU!

Consultation from experts, screening for your child and also parents support group will be served on that special day. You also can have fun and participate in our therapeutic telematch and art & craft activity. Parents, sisters and brothers grab this golden chance, bring your kids to where they deserved.
A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor the genius or the madman. It's only you and I with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and hesitate. Do you realize that?

So what else are you thinking? Just save the date!
Keep calm and trust Occupational Therapists.


Home wasn't a working place for me. During school time, I just can't accept the term - homework. Almost all the time I barely able to finish my homework at home. I believe you could understand the moment when you had setting up all your stationary on the table, neatly arrange your reference materials, picking your best pen, taking a deep breath to find a mood to start.
Then you start to write a word on the paper - which when your idea spilling from the brain onto the paper and suddenly...

"Could you help me to wash the dishes please," mom yelling.

"I was just started to do my homework"
I replied and another voice come from house compound.

"Can you get me my hoe in the store room," dad's voice.

 You will hear the sound of  books being closed and chair being pushed. 

Well at certain time, when my parents noticed that I am busy with my assignment or during school time we called it kerja kursus, they won't bother me of course. Parents understanding was overwhelming you know. But this child also can understand well. I mean how could you pretend not to hear the sound of chopping knife from the kitchen and the sound of shoveling from the outside compound, right? 

This is how I spend my holiday. 
Sorry sir, I didn't finished your homework because I had to settled down my homework.

Mahh nuu achievement!

Do you enjoy watching Sesame Street during your childhood time? If yes I'm sure you will be able to capture the post tittle. It's Cookie Monster essence, everyone.
<chirp chirp>
Am I the one who understand?
Err full stop. 

Well talking about new achievement I believe everyone dream to become better each day. I had read somewhere before a person quote "When I sleep I die, when I wake up I reborn!" 
Was he purposely die to shut down every single deed that he have done day before? Because for me, success is all about consistency and consistency and consistency. 

"Whatever good things we build end up building us," (Jim Rohn, 2003) 

I started Herbalife - I mean my first time taking the product was somewhere in July 2012. With almost zero discipline and zero consistency I end up losing approximately 800g in a month. 
<sigh> At least I am still losing weight, people.

The best things about life is when you clear about your dream and you start decide to change in order to achieve what you dream of, you just need a dose of motivation antidote to boost your attitude. And that is what Herbalife provided me with. After been to their customer day, I started to seriously taking the product, and build in my discipline. That is the turning point where I become clear enough of my goals and how am I going to achieve it.

30 days of consistently practicing with discipline I lose 5 kg and I continue losing weight and fat gradually month after month. 

It almost 10 kg lost!! Just ignore the ugly feet.
I believe everyone can do well. No matter what methods are you using, what brands are you buying it just the matter of consistency and discipline. Herbalife is just a choice that you can decide either to choose or not to.

In Herbalife, we didn't claimed you MUST take Herbalife in order to be healthy. But we loved to tell you and ourselves to TAKE ACTION and TAKE EFFORT. Because we believe the products is just an alternative. You sure could have the opportunity to be healthy without consuming the product. But, without deciding to take any effort and action; you just killed all the opportunity.

It is the time women, to stop being afraid to reveal your weight!   

6 October 2013

Weight Loss Challenge @ Puncak Alam.

"I have tried dieting for a month and what I get is only - 30 days."

Well we understand it's hard to lose weight without motivation and encouragement. That's why we are organizing Weight Loss Challenge Contest for you to lose weight in a healthy way with supportive surroundings!

Limited spaces! Register now!

Who else will pay you for losing your fat and flatten your belly?
We do.

2 October 2013

Orthotics story.

Orthotics class was never failed to create joyful and excited atmosphere. This is the second time I'm attending the Orthotics and Pressure Garments class - this subject didn't get credit exemption. Perhaps the people inside the class is different. For me its different; because none of them are from the same diploma group as me.

Although its distract and disappoint me a little but life must go on. Haha. 
*blinking eyes laju-laju
Well OT's, let's refresh our memories about splint. Splint was used mainly to correct positioning. There are many designs of splint and the used of splint vary depending on the client's condition and how the splint can support their improvement. 

In simple way, splint can be categorized into 4 categories:-
i.  Static splint - for positioning purpose, hold in one position.
ii. Static progressive - static splint yet can increase progressively.
iii. Serial static - serial but no moving parts, focus on positioning sometimes ROM.
iv. Dynamic splint - using mechanical movement for moving parts.

My first lab session for this semester required us to make one example of static splint for leg (LL) and hand (UL). Let's review our piece of art.

Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) 
to control the position and motion of the ankle

You may  saw all the AFO above are 'bigger in size', but don't be surprise, it also can be used to babies usually for clubfoot/CTEV or even childrens and old folks to support fracture healing. The unique of this thermoplastic materials, it can be mold into your size. Done with the leg parts. Let's see the design for hand.

Cock-up/Resting/Night Splint
to restrict the movement of wrist but maintain/free the movement of fingers 

This pattern of splint usually used to reduce the pain suffered by the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome client. So it helps to restrict the movement of wrist and free the stress on the carpal tunnel. The best things of this orthosis materials is it wasn't permanent and can be took off at the suggested interval of times. Interesting right? Well this is just the introduction of basic static splint, I'll try to show you more next week! 

1 October 2013

MAP OTSCore 2013.

  I feel like it was an honored blogging about this congress. OTSCore was a 'something' to me. I witnessed the tremendous revolution of the event results from the students' passion and hard work. I remembered, the idea first come from 2011 ASMOT - Academic Symposium Of Malaysia Occupational Therapy Students : Pre-Eminence Findings. It was a one day event, considered as state level symposium. The participants consists of two organizations -UiTM and KSKB Sg. Buloh. 

Academic Symposium of Malaysia Occupational Therapy : Pre-Eminence Findings
Well, at this time, I was appointed to be the moderator for research presentation. The strenuous work wasn't really flow in my veins. But, it was still something to be proud of. Seeing two different organization mingling together shared knowledge and skills, the amusement was something to be felt of.


The effort doesn't end that way, from state level we were moving to the national level. We welcomed not just students but clinician and experts from all over Malaysia. And my heart felt for this hard work. I was playing an important role as the part of the team, and we started 2012 OTSCore - Occupational Therapy Students' Congress : Metamorphosis in Occupational Therapy Practices with only 3 confront young women. Kak Ida and Afiqah K a.k.a Nyah, if you are reading this, I wish I could send you a bouquet of thankfulness, no words can described how much I loved to works with you guys and how I was indescribably happy to have such laugh and tears memorable moments with both of you. 

Pictures can described how gratified we are for making the congress into reality.    

**Preparation day**

**i-City moments**

**2 days congress- Expert talk, Research presentation & Lab session**

and lastly.
**Our indulgence**
Occupational Therapy Students' Congress : Metamorphosis in Occupational Therapy Practices
Thank you guys for making OTSCore a phenomenon.


And we growing bigger and better and here we are in the international level of 2013 MAP OTSCore - Malaysia-Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Students' Congress : Enduring New Generation! From handling program bureau for last congress, I now appointed as the Event Manager; 5 days before the congress started. MAP OTSCore was a success as we received not just participants but also speakers from other countries. Thank you for all your supports!

And here, the evidence of our accomplishment..
Malaysia-Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Students' Congress : Enduring New Generation
*bow down

Oh my english!

"Have you visit Cholestopia? What do you think of it?"
In one peaceful morning, I thrown the question to Esity; excitedly.

"It's good," he replied.
"Come'on, I expect more comments from you," 
*thump *thump *thump <nervous>

"Urmmm.. you write like a kid."
*lightning strike

"No I mean, your writing doesn't changed. You bring on the same style of writing like the essay you made in high school. Just keep on writing like this, every writers had their own style of writing. So this is yours."

Huh. I'll take it as a compliment. Thank you. 


Esity and I were friends since we are in Form 5; studying in the same boarding school. Different classes, same sport house bla bla bla. He mentioned about an essay right? Well, throwback in 2009, there is an interesting story I would like to share with you guys. I wasn't good at memorizing, I even have poor short-term memory. So, any memory that successfully stored in my long term memory is rather important or interesting. Hehe.

  Getting back into the story, we were asked to make a story-telling essay from our English teacher. It was an essay that you have to memorized as a preparation for SPM - section B; continuous writing if I'm not mistaken. So, adik-adik, this is the tricked. Memorize an essay and fit it into the question. I remembered that I write a story of an expert and skillful housewife. Starting from early morning, housewife wake up, do the laundry, prepare kids for school, making breakfast, run up the stairs, waking husband up, ironing husband's cloth bla bla bla...

So that was the essay that I've made up. Hopefully, it reflect the future me. Oh.

I was so shy to get other people to read my essay but huh, you know this guy, he peeked at my paper, read it from start to the end and even LEAVE A COMMENT and STARS at the end of the paragraph.
I don't remember the whole thing that he wrote but his intention is to praise (?) no, to tease (more suitable adjective) me saying that how good to have wife like the heroin in the story and how the writers can menjiwai watak tu when the writer didn't resemble the character.
 I don't know why we are friends till now.  

Of course the story wasn't end that way. I took revenged on him. Searching for his paper when he felt asleep (Esity was an expert kaki tido in class back then; you can imagine how he can't be noticed sleeping because of his small eyes). I read on his essay - its about a hot stuff guy (Bhahaha!) who was a sprinter (come'on you even arrived the same time as me when merentas desa day) in sports day, and the hero even become a champion (what sprinting champion? You only win on rejam lembing, lontar peluru lah masa sukan..) and the hero won because there is a girl who cheer for him (I found this funny. Kekekeke). The heroin name was Rina I think. Urmm, not important so I can't remember. Haha. Well no one in our batch, or even people we know named Rina, so obviously he make up the name.

The interesting part is, on the next day, Esity received a call and text messages from an unknown number. The girl was from Penang (kot..) and she told that she dialed on wrong number. Do you know the girl name? Her name was RINA. Jeng jeng jeng what a goosebumps. So don't simply-simply make up names ya. Haha.

 That was our English story back then. And that make up what we are today. Esity was currently studying in UKM taking English Languange Study and even I didn't continue in literature but my love for bahasa is everlasting. You may find many, a lot, bunches of error in grammar and sentence structure through my writing in each posts for one reason - I'm still learning.