23 September 2013

Bridal night.

Zero2Hero Dinner Party dress code: 
Wedding dress

Once in a blue moon theme. Haha
Well, this is the theme with the highest vote for the 11th Zero2Hero and sure everybody was so excited!
So do this guy.

"Awak, what do you think I should wear? Baju melayu ke blazer ngan kemeja?" 
"Tapi I don't have sampin la."
"Kalau pakai blazer, which one do you think is better? Bow tie ke neck tie biasa?"

and his last question
"Awak nak pakai baju color putih ke hitam?" 

He was thinking on how smart will he dress up for the dinner and I was given only two choices - black or white. Well so sad, I don't have baju kurung of either both color.

"Kalau macam tu beli la satu."

And seriously we went to shops and boutique searching for white or black bridal dress! 
p/s: It wasn't easy to ask Esity for an outing or even shopping. I have tried for almost 4 years and we will never go out together unless we had things to settle on.

And we end up wearing this on the dinner night 
<drum roll>

I am wearing pink half-moon shawl from Al-Humaira Contemporary and black Abaya.

This two guys end up wearing blazer but forget to bring their neck ties. 

 Back to the theme story, you see, everyone in the hall was wearing bridal dress with variety fashions and colors. Macam pesta pengantin dah dalam dewan tu! And my eyes was staring at people's dress and scanning on which dress that I am berkenan. Haha. It was exciting to see couples wearing wedding dress with kids holding their hands and baby on their arms. And there are Gen 2 (Herbalifers above 30 years old) couple who still holding hand wearing their past wedding dress. And to see the mommies who chit chatting on how they had lose weight and can fit their wedding gown.

Here are some picture I've capture from Herbalifer's instagram account with #zero2hero #herbalife etc. 

Ahaha.. Tok kadi pun ada. And another interesting picture I would like to show you..

Gothic bride!! 

Zero2Hero 11th edition.

Alhamdulillah, pulang dengan azam baru. It was so inspiring and motivating seeing ordinary people turn into success, and hearing their hardship make me realize my ujian wasn't so difficult. This is my 3rd Zero2Hero and seriously this is the best event ever! 

When I say its my 3rd times, maybe people will asked me curiously why you need to go sampai 3 kali?? Well, every time I prepared myself to event, I was searching for answers.
"How far can Herbalife bring me?"
"How big chances are for me to make my dreams come true?"
and the most important question that I desperately need the answer...

      And I believe, when you are clear on what you want, where to aim, you will have no doubt. Just like me, I am crystal-clear on my mission to help people for a better life and to change our nutritional habit. We do realize how alarming the global epidemic are right now, right?

We leads the obesity statistic in SE Asia. Malaysia Boleh!!!

I am becoming much stronger when I realize  I wasn't alone. And to quit is a never-exist word in my life's dictionary. It wasn't just me who have dreams and targets in life. It wasn't just me who want to be successful.  I was given a responsibility. There are people who rely on me, and their success are my concern. 

This is the 3rd time, yet the 1st time I'd brought people to this life changing event. This is my team, and we were just started. 

Don't judge us, our story is still being written, and one day, we will tell it to the world. 

18 September 2013

Upcoming agenda.

Looking forward for not one but TWO mega events that will be held back to back starting on this September 21 until September 26!

21-22 September 2013 @ Bukit Gambang Resort City 

And finally it is MEGA Zero2Hero! Why does it called MEGA?
Because it will gather five thousand Herbalife distributors of the whole Malaysia! - before this the event was held separately according to divided region.
23-26 September 2013 @ UiTM Puncak Alam Campus

The continuation of the legendary (?) Occupational Therapy Students' Congress (OTSCore).
Upgraded to Malaysia-Asia Pacific congress for professionals, clinicians, practitioner and students. So it's going to be an international event! 

Special post of course separated will be update soon.
Please keep the adrenalin at the right momentum until the posts come up!

Breakfast tower.

Even though there was only one class to attend each day but the class were all started at 8:30 am! 
For me it was early enough. 

That means you can't have any nap after Subh which is......... elok la, murah rezeki, kan?
I wasn't an earlyyyyyyy morning person but I am a breakfast person - monster who seek for fooooooood after waking up. 

In my childhood day, my mom never serve me simple dishes like roti, cereals, milo and biscuits, jammed or kaya. This caring mother, who concern about her daughter stomach always feed she with nasi goreng kampung, mee hailam, char kueh tiaw, chicken porridge with telur masin (wuuuuu droooling) - this is my breakfast menu on my past days before I went to school.  

Koko krunch koko krunch ni x main la...
Thank you Allah for mommies!

And finally, problems sure comes up when you enter boarding school. No mother, but makcik. The problem wasn't the food, makcik dewan makan masak sedap je.. <cough> <cough> 
but.. it was ME who doesn't have enough time to had my breakfast! Then, skipping breakfast become a habit and gastritis (gastric pain) started to develop.
eleh, kau pun sama an an?

I have an experience having severe gastric, which i can even stand straight and the most pelik things is when I feel like vomiting I was able to run with full speed to the toilet. And did you know skipping breakfast also can degrade your performance and increase laziness? Of course heavy breakfast also make you feel tired and sluggish. And actually skipping breakfast make you gain weight so do eat too much for breakfast! 

Makan salah, tak makan salah, habis tu macam mana?
Complicated problem with simple solutions - Practice balance nutrition!

My nutritious breakfast tower. 
I've found my solution. Easy, fast and simple breakfast. Even when you wake up at 8.00 am you still can have nutritious breakfast with one simple step - dare to change.

Change your nutritional habit, change your daily performance, change the future you!

Credit exemptions.

12.00pm : Still completing credit exemptions form.
I am a post diploma student, graduate in Occupational Therapy often abbreviated as OT - a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. And now I am furthering my degree in the same course under a fast track program offered by the university. So now it makes sense why I have to fill in the credit exemptions form right? 

Well, for the very beginning of the semester, degree was way too relax compared to diploma level. Because I had exempted 21 subjects, I repeat 21 subjects.
BHAHAHAHAHA isn't it awesome?????!!!!

Okay got to go, I have a lotttt of exemptions form to be filled. Daaa~

12 September 2013

Bored to death.

Well today is such a carefree day. No classes, no assignment, not even any work or task queuing on list. Even so, since Subuh till now - its Zuhr already, I was lying prone sometimes supine in my bed watching Sherlock Holmes movies; 5 in a rows! 

Mr. Holmes is on the move!!

Well, I only got 5 episodes so yeah you are right, its ended. 
Please Friday, come faster I'm desperately waiting for you.

Ouhh Mr. House Contractor, if only you were here so we can fight together using bottle and sting.

11 September 2013

Bee story Part II.

Because of the sesat case yesterday, I planned to groom earlier so I wouldn't come late for today's class at 8:30am. I left home at 8:05am and rushed to the class hoping that I will be in before the lecturer's coming.

8:15 am
*chirp *chirp *chirp

Motivated enough to come early to class after this? Hehe.

The introductory class ended 1 hour before the scheduled time and make me think hard on what to do next on my way back home.

"Basuh kain... urmm esok lah.."
"Running Man minggu ni dah tengok, re-watch, re-watch.."
"Isi borang kolej dengan pengecualian kredit.... urmmm lepas tu tengok movie Sherlock Holmes.."
"Baca One Piece or Detective Conan.."
"Pergi pasar malam beli clorox untuk bersihkan tandas.. Erk."

Okay let's enjoy this leisure time! I put on my bag on the chair and books on my desk then getting the laptop ready to enslave himself for my joyful moment


suddenly I saw this friend of yours clinging on my roommate desk.

Hi buddy! Watcha doin?

Ouhh so you are making a house? Are we going to stay together?

Don't tell me that you had decided to become my neighbor! 

NO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Get the he** out of here!

 Let's get rid of all your skill of art Mr. House Contractor.

Poor condoned roommate have to sleep outside.

 Please Mr. House Contractor.. I'm not going to write on your story everyday. 
And you had ruined my mood and make me postponed my scheduled. <alasan>

10 September 2013

Bee story.

I was thinking so hard on what should i shared with all of you guys today. Maybe my morning story about how I was lost and can't find the classroom even I spend 3 years completing my diploma courses in the same campus. Holiday was so long I guess. 

Or perhaps a story of me - climbing the 'dead-stairs' (we called it dead stairs because it has the same amount of steps as Batu Caves). When you climb it to the top, it felt like your leg was left downstairs. 
Nehhh~ not interesting enough although the story sure will be full of motivation. 

Or.. Should i giving up? No post for today.
Better spend time checking order for customers

Ngeeeeeeengggg Ngeeeeeeeeengggg <bee sound>
Ngeeng Ngeng Ngeeengggg <bunyi penyengat tersepit>

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! <Where do you think the sound come from>
Ngeeeng Ngeeng <bubbye>

Bye-bye bee..
Don't you dare to come again!

9 September 2013

Perfection is a disease.

It was just so amazing when the registration flow is running fast and smooth. It takes about 10-15 minutes for me to complete my college registration.

check your name - take the form - go to the key counter - then can head to your room!
Simple right? Bravo JPK!*
*Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej

 The bad thing is my room was way to far from the class. I repeat. Way-to-farrrrrrrrrrrr~ Means I need an additional time added to my wake-up time considering the time I walked to class. Yeah guys, I am a typical student with neither car nor bike, even bicycle. I may took 15 minutes walking from my room to class! 

Alaaaaa bukan jauh pun. 15 min je jalan.... 
Masalahnya sebelum ni aku bangun pukul 7:50 pagi pun sempat lagi sampai kelas on time! 
(adegan ini dilakukan oleh profesional, jangan tiru aksi ini) 

Okay let's get back to the topic. I was checking in to the room at 12.00 pm. Here come the cleaning job! First, get the kain buruk, lap locker, alas dengan pembalut hadiah yang cantik-cantik, susun baju and any other stuff, sapu sampah, pasang cadar, susun buku. Ok done! <smile bright>

Looking back at the locker, feel unsatisfied, maybe baju patut letak kat center, then maggie and makanan have to be kat bawah sekali, hanger, box tudung, urmmmmm...
Susun balik. 
Then done. 
Again unsatisfied.
 Susun balik.
urmmmmm.. (again)
Susun balik lah. 
Tik tok tik tok, its 6.30pm already.
Ouhh.. cepatnya masa berlalu.. <sigh>

Final piece. This is bujang style. Don't you dare leave a comment.

See cantik tak pembalut hadiah tu. Feeling grately satisfied, I head to the bathroom, nak siap-siap kejap lagi Maghrib. Suddenly..

Almost 8pm. Solat then collapse.
Perfection was really a disease.

8 September 2013

The origin.

The idea of CHOLES was originally come from a promise I made to myself.

"Bila aku dapat Degree in Occupational Therapy, aku mesti buat blog sebagai alternatif untuk orang lebih faham apa yang aku tengah buat." 

Pfftttt. Lame reason. Lame.

But my intention is to share to people on how i am doing through out my day as I consider myself walking through a path less taken by others. (You readers better think of any other good ways when making up promise like taking yourself to vacation or asking your dad to increase pocket money. As long as it can menguntungkan your own self lah.)

Blogging is somehow a platform for me to improve my writing skill but I have my very own premium-intention:  I wish to spread love and motivation, to share laughter and to make people realize the important things in life.

In short....

CHOLES is a story of joy and tears, dreams and passions and its personally created for women who are searching for inspiration.

and today.. at this moment, I am writing on my very first day of myself so called a bachelor's student.