18 September 2013

Breakfast tower.

Even though there was only one class to attend each day but the class were all started at 8:30 am! 
For me it was early enough. 

That means you can't have any nap after Subh which is......... elok la, murah rezeki, kan?
I wasn't an earlyyyyyyy morning person but I am a breakfast person - monster who seek for fooooooood after waking up. 

In my childhood day, my mom never serve me simple dishes like roti, cereals, milo and biscuits, jammed or kaya. This caring mother, who concern about her daughter stomach always feed she with nasi goreng kampung, mee hailam, char kueh tiaw, chicken porridge with telur masin (wuuuuu droooling) - this is my breakfast menu on my past days before I went to school.  

Koko krunch koko krunch ni x main la...
Thank you Allah for mommies!

And finally, problems sure comes up when you enter boarding school. No mother, but makcik. The problem wasn't the food, makcik dewan makan masak sedap je.. <cough> <cough> 
but.. it was ME who doesn't have enough time to had my breakfast! Then, skipping breakfast become a habit and gastritis (gastric pain) started to develop.
eleh, kau pun sama an an?

I have an experience having severe gastric, which i can even stand straight and the most pelik things is when I feel like vomiting I was able to run with full speed to the toilet. And did you know skipping breakfast also can degrade your performance and increase laziness? Of course heavy breakfast also make you feel tired and sluggish. And actually skipping breakfast make you gain weight so do eat too much for breakfast! 

Makan salah, tak makan salah, habis tu macam mana?
Complicated problem with simple solutions - Practice balance nutrition!

My nutritious breakfast tower. 
I've found my solution. Easy, fast and simple breakfast. Even when you wake up at 8.00 am you still can have nutritious breakfast with one simple step - dare to change.

Change your nutritional habit, change your daily performance, change the future you!

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