Alhamdulillah, pulang dengan azam baru. It was so inspiring and motivating seeing ordinary people turn into success, and hearing their hardship make me realize my ujian wasn't so difficult. This is my 3rd Zero2Hero and seriously this is the best event ever!
When I say its my 3rd times, maybe people will asked me curiously why you need to go sampai 3 kali?? Well, every time I prepared myself to event, I was searching for answers.
"How far can Herbalife bring me?"
"How big chances are for me to make my dreams come true?"
and the most important question that I desperately need the answer...
And I believe, when you are clear on what you want, where to aim, you will have no doubt. Just like me, I am crystal-clear on my mission to help people for a better life and to change our nutritional habit. We do realize how alarming the global epidemic are right now, right?
I am becoming much stronger when I realize I wasn't alone. And to quit is a never-exist word in my life's dictionary. It wasn't just me who have dreams and targets in life. It wasn't just me who want to be successful. I was given a responsibility. There are people who rely on me, and their success are my concern.
This is the 3rd time, yet the 1st time I'd brought people to this life changing event. This is my team, and we were just started.
Don't judge us, our story is still being written, and one day, we will tell it to the world.
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