8 September 2013

The origin.

The idea of CHOLES was originally come from a promise I made to myself.

"Bila aku dapat Degree in Occupational Therapy, aku mesti buat blog sebagai alternatif untuk orang lebih faham apa yang aku tengah buat." 

Pfftttt. Lame reason. Lame.

But my intention is to share to people on how i am doing through out my day as I consider myself walking through a path less taken by others. (You readers better think of any other good ways when making up promise like taking yourself to vacation or asking your dad to increase pocket money. As long as it can menguntungkan your own self lah.)

Blogging is somehow a platform for me to improve my writing skill but I have my very own premium-intention:  I wish to spread love and motivation, to share laughter and to make people realize the important things in life.

In short....

CHOLES is a story of joy and tears, dreams and passions and its personally created for women who are searching for inspiration.

and today.. at this moment, I am writing on my very first day of myself so called a bachelor's student. 

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