14 December 2013

President's walk.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
the day you know why.

A number that will only come once.
It was a really shocking news to be appointed as the President for the student association which never happened to come across my mind. I was thinking so hard on how am I going through this and to lift the heaviest things in the world which is amanah on my shoulder.

Question like how to be wise, how can I inspired, how to make everything worth for people, there is so many how that I can't answered. 
I even think of what can I do, what should I and what will I. 
 I've been thinking on how will people see me, will they accept, will I adapt. 
And the what question also unanswerable.

Imagine suddenly within 24hours you got lot of e-mails to reply, text messages keeps popping out from unknown numbers asking you to do this and that, and I was surprised to see like, what 30 friends request in one night?? People, my facebook account is ancient, not like I was new to it.
And with all of the things that happen, you will realize that this path will gonna be tougher. 

"Oh Allah, please help me."

To the PPPCK committee, thank you for putting your trust on me and my troops. President is an action, not a position. I will be your front line and you are the people inside it. Lend us your hand and your dua' so we will be strong enough to bring you and the association up to the next level.

"No one can whistle a symphony, it takes the whole orchestra to play it.
Same goes to our association.
I believe, coming together is the beginning.
Keeping together is a progress.

To the new 2013/14 frontline of PPPCK, I called you troopers because I believe we are a group of soldiers that will be battling in uplifting this responsibility. I'm bidding on your commitment and your willingness to work. What ever come across our mind, whether we like our position or not, think that Allah has put us here. And believe that they must be a reason behind His arrangement. 

So, fade off your mourn, light on your sincere. 
Let's work together to fulfill our amanah.
May Allah ease everything.

I'm walking as PPPCK's President that someday I hope I will continue to walk on my feet as Herbalife's International President Team.

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